is once again going under some reconstruction, KnownWiki will stay tho.

This article is written from a first person perspective by KnownSH

Screenshot showing how KnownSH writes articles
Screenshot showing how KnownSH writes articles

The Writing Styles of KnownSH

I use several different writing styles throughout this entire wiki. This article explains the context behind my writing decisions. I want to make it clear that I have no interest in taking a creative writing course (or any English language-related course). In fact, despite English being my native language, I am aware that my grammar is still not up to the standard you see on most websites. If you notice anything that could be phrased more effectively, please let me know.


This one is nice and short:

  • Yes, I do use grammar checkers.a lot()
    • I won’t use GPT’s to expand stuff though.
    A typical blunder by KnownSH
    A typical blunder by KnownSH
  • Yes, I do write very strange sentences sometimes, and no, most of the time i’m not the one to catch it.
  • My mind thinks a million kilometers per hour, i’ll miss a word or two there (mutuals will know how much I edit messages).

List of KnownSH writing blunders

if this one gets very long i’ll make an article for it
  • “is” instead of “if”
    • “is this one gets very long i’ll make an article for it”

Some topics I refuse to write about

  • Politics (Some exceptions)
  • Drama
  • Fictional stories based around love or relationships

First-person Writing

Many of the articles (or even sections of articles) on KnownWiki are written from a first-person perspective. There will be notices for wherever this occurs (at the top of this page for instance). There are a few different reasons for why I write this way:

  • Some of the content on the wiki is very personal, and that sometimes makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. This especially occurs when I try to write about myself from a third-person perspective.
  • Using a more casual writing style often leads to articles that are easier to read and more relatable, and sets a tone that the article isn’t really meant to be taken seriously (in an “encylopedic” sense).
  • By writing from the first-person, it helps to keep things conversational, which makes complex topics more accessible, possibly understandable and engaging.